New York Life Motion Graphics

The thought leadership initiative was launched to position New York Life as a leader and a trusted financial partner. These engaging videos serve as a gateway to valuable insights, featuring relevant statistics, facts, and information about life insurance. The primary objective was to empower customers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. These videos provide a sneak peek to articles written by some of the most knowledgeable professionals in the life insurance industry. I created the visuals incorporating footage and motion graphics that effectively highlighted the key information found in the articles, while also encouraging viewers to learn more about life insurance and its benefits.

The videos were posted in social media platforms and Hearsay, which is the New York Life insurance agent portal. Within the first week, the videos were published 10 times more than the average agent post. Furthermore, each video generated more than 200 engagements, making them the most widely published videos in the New York Life Insurance media library, and setting a record for the highest number of engagements ever achieved. This success not only solidified New York Life's position as a thought leader but also amplified our reach and resonated with audiences in a unique and innovative way.